Game Start Date
Game End Date
Game Master
Samuel Bearington
Krag Flippers
Ves Postrey (A skilled gambler with an eye for business and people. Though he can fight he'd rather talk is way through a situation to get what he wants.)
Laetita Ad Lojem; Episode 11: No Business Like Show Business (Tolenice, Lojem, Jaern)
Plot Synopsis
The game started off once again with a game of “Interrogate the GM” run by Samuel, where he asked the powers that be some questions about what they were going up against. They learned that the boss possibly had Psionics, learned his weaknesses, and learned where he was likely to be.
Upon arriving in Tolenice, they found the air to be quite…interesting, to say the least. Tolenice is all the worst parts of 1800’s France combined into one place. They went to a common police station to learn about the kidnappings, finding them to be across a range of ages and genders, but mostly sticking to younger women. The party was cleared to investigate the area and possibly interrogate the implicated owners.
The party entered the theater, finding it somewhat decadent. A voice rang throughout their heads. The voice beckoned them through a door that they absolutely obliterated. The voice revealed itself to belong to Apollo, the Master of Illusions. The party messed with him for a while, doing weird art projects like stabbing arrows into the ground to make a smiley face or stabbing arrows into a paper to make a chicken. Samuel gained a great hatred for Apollo’s insane nature. Ves, taking things seriously, found a mysterious ring in a box hidden beneath the orchestra pit. The party then left, mainly to mess with Apollo.
When they returned the next day, he issued a little game for them. Half of the items he wished for, they summoned from their own possessions. Some of the stranger items they were forced to gather through the theater.
After gathering everything together, Apollo led them down a tunnel to a strange boat in the sewers. Hidden away in a secret chamber, Apollo played illusory music on an illusory organ. Samuel summoned The Unnamed Chef to play some music instead. Upon finding Apollo, Samuel had enough time to effectively rewrite Apollo’s entire memory, effectively neutralizing the boss before it even started. He now lives on the OSHAn Violation, believing himself to simply be a very powerful illusionist with some Orus spells.
Noteworthy Postgame Events