Game Start Date
Game End Date
Game Master
Nathan Buitendorp
Chris (Gilly)
Uthor (Jack)
Klee (Steven)
Galaxy-eye (Sheldon)
Sinful Seas: Beach Episode?
Plot Synopsis
After fighting off the deadly Bishop of Gluttony, Chris, Uthor, and Klee decided a well-earned vacation was in order. Back during the events of Dead Man's Water, the group battled some bad guys on a small island in the middle of the Rhine and took ownership of the island afterwards. However, as the characters had not visited the island since (around 2.5 years) they were surprised to find a centralian noble has set up an island resort on their island named Dreamland. While on their mission to dispute ownership of the island with the noble, Galaxy-eye joined them because the resort lost his reservation. This ownership debate escalated to a trail in Centralia where they settled with all four getting lifetime passes to the resort has well as plots of land on the island to develop how they wish. The four then stayed a night at the resort where they: badly injured a teen guest in a game of volleyball, summoned several thunderstorms to the island, broke into the restricted areas and caused thousands of gold worth of property damage, and committed several crimes against cuisine at the buffet. As such, the four were banned from the resort the following morning. However, Galaxy-eye was able to make 200 gold by stealing from the employee locker room and the other three were able to successfully steal the acceler set up on the island for defense and added it to their ship.
Noteworthy Postgame Events