April 01, 2023

Game Start Date
Game End Date
Game Master
Samuel Bearington
Krag Flippers
Ves Postrey (A skilled gambler with an eye for business and people. Though he can fight he'd rather talk is way through a situation to get what he wants.)
Badigadi (Priest Lizard Six arms, 9ft tall, Demonic Patron)
Robina Goodfellow


Laetita Ad Lojem; Episode 10: Glory and Ruin, Wrought by Deeds (Tors Treningsplass, Lojem, Jaern)

Plot Synopsis

The game started with the party meeting with a human T’orite named Lydia. They informed her of their suspicions about the place, and she confirmed most of them. The party made their way through parts of the dungeon, before Raik decided to check a chapel style building for a possible secret entrance. He looked under the rug and uncovered the secret entrance untouched for centuries and unknown to most of the T’orites there. By moving the rug.
In any case, the party continued on, saving both the Marshal and a T’orite named Clyde. After a bit more mucking around, the party descended into the secret cavern. Down there, they found an entire army of the automatons, thankfully currently being stored behind a large wall of ice. The party attempted to summon Jove from the obelisk, though they quickly found he wouldn’t come out. Turns out, he was hiding behind one of the walls of ice. The party got a singular round before he turned invisible. A long, grueling fight ensued between the party and the 10 foot tall machine.
Eventually, lava began to spill from Jove, causing ice to melt and the cave to momentarily collapse. Lava from the nearby volcano began to spill in. Twice, Jove activated Ves’s chaos shield. The first one caused the captain’s tower to disappear. The second one caused a massive tear in the earth to momentarily form, allowing the lava to flow deeper. Eventually, the party defeated Jove with a well placed groin stab, causing him to shut down and fall into the lava below. The party then teleported back to the Skyrunner and waited a bit before looking at the collateral damage. They decided to visit for a bit to get some closure, speaking with Lydia. The Marshal was absurdly angry, so Lydia told them she wished she could have them back but they were likely unwelcome. Ves and Badigadi left some pamphlets, business cards, and juice for them before the party departed. Nimbus and Krag teleported to Dr. Hejhawg’s office before the rest of the party.

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