April 25, 2023

Game Start Date
Game End Date
Game Master
Nathan Buitendorp
Chris (Gilly)
Uthor (Jack)
Voxl (Steven)
Tux (Eric)
Alonzo (Cole)
Marik (Noah)


Sinful Seas: Chapter 2 Part 2

Plot Synopsis

The party was able to successfully identified the perpetrator of the attack as a Vormaxian researcher named Myra Penmark. They found her waiting for them in a closed of section of the University that was under renovation. She revealed some of the intentions of the bishops and talked with the party to bide time. She was able to keep them talking long enough for her to set up several spells which allowed her to copy the party’s skills and spells as well create an illusion which transformed the construction wing into a ruined temple on top of a mountain as well as creating several copies of herself. The party was able to use their willpower to disperse the illusions to successfully identify the real Myra and take her down. After she was defeated, she attempted to flee with a milphite crystal but was stopped when Voxl cut off her hand. She was then taken to Tidesqual Prison where she was taken into custody. The next day, after she was healed enough to interrogate, the torites allowed to the party to interrogate her. They learned her true name was Valencia who was once part of the Tarus priesthood. But before they were able to get much more information, a hand radiating in red magic opened a small portal into the cell and vaporized Valencia with a red lighting bolt. Marik was able to ask his father to come to help heal the injured victims and was able to slightly improve their condition. The patients will still suffer from some amnesia, but overall, they will make a full recovery.

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