March 25, 2023

Game Start Date
Game End Date
Game Master
Ves Postrey (A skilled gambler with an eye for business and people. Though he can fight he'd rather talk is way through a situation to get what he wants.)
Krag Flippers
Samuel Bearington


Laetita Ad Lojem; Episode 9: All’s Fair in Love and War and Dragons (Tors Treningsplass, Lojem, Jaern)

Plot Synopsis

The party quickly received their payment from Dr. Hejhawg and took some downtime before rushing off to one of the higher points on Mount Fajro. During the downtime, Samuel played a game called “Interrogate the GM with Psionics.” He determined the next boss was 131% a bitch. Descending, the party found it cold and Ves made some winter wear for the party. The party took the time to climb onto Krag Flippers and use him like a snowboard. They kickflipped him.
Snowboarding down into a slight crevice carved into the mountain, the party found the massive fortress, almost a half a mile across. It’s meant to be a place where people live and work so the size was surprising for an Enclave but not surprising for it was essentially a village in its own right.
Using climbing skill and some magic, the party found their way onto the tall battlements, finding the place to be absolutely silent. Searching around, however, the party did eventually hear footsteps. Ves followed these footsteps slowly, finding them to come from a patrolling automaton style creature. The rest of the party went into one of the towers to investigate, only to find that upon reaching the top, a strange being appeared and sniped them from a nearby tower. Using some air magic shenanigans, they sent the arrows back, causing large blasts of light damage on the opponent. They decided to stay away from the mysterious sniper and carefully make their way through the rest of the fortress.
They stole a key from the patrolling guard (very carefully) and proceeded to a courtyard and then to what appeared to be a mix between military barracks and university dorm common areas. Essentially, they were living quarters. The party found one of the suits of armor watching them, standing completely still except for its head. Samuel read its surface level thoughts and gained an identity from the armor. It seemed that there were two voices inside of it. The loudest voice was JB-0200201, attempting to find a way to attack the party as they were intruders. The quieter voice, somewhat strange, was called Lydia. Using some portal shenanigans, Samuel and Nimbus set up a way to cast Eject without being in the direct line of sight of the creature. Upon doing so, it became surrounded by a cloud of darkness before fading away to reveal a female T’orite, lying on the ground, looking absurdly tired as though she’s been through the fight of her life. Before the session ended, she simply said, “Who the hell are you two?” to Krag and Raik.

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