March 04, 2023

Game Start Date
Game End Date
Game Master
Ovata Dell


Crimson Chapter: Overture

Plot Synopsis

After arriving at Markduk, the party does a bit of work in the town before meeting up with Aisling and heading to the opera. They enjoy the first half of it, but lose focus and wake up separated in a massive, brambly hedge maze after a little while, with a large foreboding castle in front. Ringo marks himself with a spell, allowing the rest of the party to find him - but Ovata arrives being chased by a monster, and Ringo is lost in the chaos. They come to a small enclosure with two much larger monsters, engaging in a fraught fight and defeating them. As night falls, they align statues scattered throughout the maze, animating two figures at the center who pull open the doors to the castle.

The party enters, exploring the area and realizing that they are dreaming. After an encounter with some mad cast members from the play, they seek for a place to rest but realize that sleeping brings deep and dark nightmares. Steeling themselves, they sleep through the night, only to wake up in a different hallway than the one they went to sleep in…

Noteworthy Postgame Events