March 04, 2023

Game Start Date
Game End Date
Game Master
Samuel Bearington
Krag Flippers
Ves Postrey (A skilled gambler with an eye for business and people. Though he can fight he'd rather talk is way through a situation to get what he wants.)


Laetita Ad Lojem; Episode 8: Serenade of Water (Gendle, Lojem, Jaern)

Plot Synopsis

The party met back up, waking Elerean, Krag, and Nimbus from their comatose state. Elerean attempted to learn underground volleyball. It did not go well. The party used portal shenanigans to make their way into the temple known as the Profundum Neptunium. After flipping a switch, a set of semi-magical lights became illuminated. Half of the party went to explore the lower half of the temple, which was underwater. The other half of the party explored the top half, solving some puzzles that gradually lowered the water level. Krag, Raik, and Samuel found a magical hammer that seemed to destroy certain materials with ease, and even could heavily damage armor. After draining all of the water, the party fought against a beast known as Hydros. He only spoke very basic Sel’ict and Aquan on account of a low INT, so attempts to communicate were few. After Hydros’s defeat, the party felt the corruption leave and they teleported back to the surface, planning to go to Hejhawg for their payment.

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