Game Master
Galaxy Eye
Whatever Anthony Played
A flyer is hung up in many places adventurers are known to gather. Adorned on these posters is a fiery wheel with the Lojem region in the background. In large golden letters at the top of the flyer is, “The Fireball Run”. “Do you have a death wish? Do you want to race around the Lojem region with minimal regard for its inhabitants? Do you want gold? If you said yes to any of these, the Fireball Run is for you. Sign up at the north-most pier on Port Haven. Disclaimer: Dromos Nostim and his estate are not responsible for any cuts, bruises, loss of limb, death, or survivors guilt obtained during this race.”
Plot Synopsis
Our story begins with the party congregating at the starting line of the race in port haven, where they sign up and tame their mounts for the race. The only important mount is Damien’s pig, which has a lot of strength. The party annoys another racer but nothing comes of it. Then the race begins and the party immediately begins killing all the other racers since there are no rules against it. Eventually they reach the end of the first leg of the race, after burning down several bridges. No one of importance died.
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