February 18, 2023

Game Start Date
Game End Date
Game Master
Ves Postrey (A skilled gambler with an eye for business and people. Though he can fight he'd rather talk is way through a situation to get what he wants.)
Krag Flippers
Samuel Bearington


Laetita Ad Lojem; Episode 6: Darkness and Light Restored (Gendle, Lojem, Jaern)

Plot Synopsis

The party started by getting their payment from Professor T. Hejhawg, deciding to take a bit of downtime afterwards. During this downtime, Ves circled Lojem for information. As he, Raik, and Nimbus attempted to approach the northeast island, they were attacked by a strange drake made from an odd red liquid. Later, Ves found a note left by Fyen on the Skyrunner, with Ves sending a reply after the party went to Gendle.
At Gendle, the party asked around for information. Ves, Elerean, Samuel, and Krag investigated a strange set of almost shrine-like pillars coming up from the ground. Krag used Summon Scripture to learn that this used to be part of an old Neptune temple that has since seemingly sunk into the ground. Raik, meanwhile, investigated underwater and found that the continental shelf of the city was a bit precarious. Underneath the pillars, a large tower of blue and teal marble sat, touching the ocean floor. Nimbus, meanwhile, asked around about the dying fish, learning that they seem to disappear every night when no one is watching. The party set up a stake-out, or as they called it, a fish-out.
To pass the time, the party competed in a very long and very highly competitive beach volleyball match, spells and all, no holds bar. It all came to a screeching halt when the party was ambushed by a pack of strange lizard-like enemies. According to a conversation one had with Raik while fighting, they weren’t from around the general area, at least naturally. The party very quickly disposed of the enemies, hoping to see what happens with the fish the next morning.

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