February 11, 2023

Game Start Date
Game End Date
Game Master
Ovata Dell


[DEVIN] Ashes to Ashes, Sand to Sand II

Plot Synopsis

We continue where we left off, with the party of Porkchop (Yohan), Ovata (Dylan), Echo (Chell), Enyo (Arrington), and Ringo (Andrew) being chased by SEC guards around Azaak. Porkchop splits off on Panzer, his horse, as he is too slow to keep up on foot. The rest of the party run around the rooftops, and blow up a rooftop to stop the guards from chasing them. In the process, Ringo almost kills an 8 year old boy. He does heal him, but that is pretty scarring emotionally, and his roof is still exploded. The rooftop gang eventually spot a costume shop and rush inside. There, they meet Mudrock (Kioni) who helps them hide from the guards. They all dress up in costumes to avoid being detected (which they didn’t really need to do, but whatever) and escape to a bar. There, they meet Porkchop, who escaped due to Panzer having like a 60 foot vertical jump height. Kinda hard to catch that.
After resting, they have a meeting with Nisha about the break in. They thought that they got the papers, but it was just an empty envelope. The group decides to head into the desert to find the tomb and stop the SEC. Nisha hires camels, and the group sets off. Eventually, they meet an old elf named Tezz sitting on the dunes. Tezz reveals himself to be a member of a group originally founded to watch the tomb. Since that was hundreds of years ago, they have branched out into other things like mercenary work, but now that their true purpose is relevant again they are ready to stop the SEC. The party follows Tezz back to their camp, where they discuss a short battle plan about storming the tomb.

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