Game Start Date
Game End Date
Game Master
Nathan Buitendorp
Chris (Gilly)
Uthor (Jack)
Voxl (Steven)
Alonzo Kafka (Cole)
Sinful Seas: Chapter 1, Part 1
Plot Synopsis
The party was hired by a Vormaxian researcher working at Helmrest University to find her colleague who has gone missing while investigating some uncharted waters where people have been rumored to have been disappearing. After accepting the mission, Chris preceded to cast chaos on a tree. A landscaper soon after came up to the tree to trim it with some hedge clippers. The hedge clippers comes alive. The party takes the sentient hedge clippers with them because he has no way of resisting them. They named him HC. The party went to the dock and met their new navigator Hickslaf who was hired alongside the party to help guide the party. The party set out to the uncharted waters and held a six hour party along the way. The party came across a strange village that had not been recorded on any of Hickslaf's maps. After docking at the village and talking to some of the villagers, they learn the name of the village is St. Oneirek, which is named after the town's founder and mayor Ferlaf Oneirek. The mayor was locked away inside a strange chapel with the missing scientist conducting some kind of ritual. They also found a statue of the mayor in the center of town holding a strange orb. When the party attempted to touch the orb, the villagers suddenly became enraged until they stepped away from the orb. The party then went to the town's saloon and through the use of magic, started a town wide rave. They attempted to use the rave to conceal the orb while they stole it, but they villages noticed them. The party attempted to then destroy the orb and set the chapel ablaze while the villagers attacked them. The mayor was forced to reveal himself and cast a spell to stop the party from destroying the orb and stop the fire. The mayor offered a cease fire to the party, which the party then accepted.
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