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Game Master
Ovata Dell
[DEVIN] Ashes to Ashes, Sand to Sand The Kroan desert holds many secrets, but one may not be within the sands.
Plot Synopsis
My party is composed of Porkchop, Ovata, Echo, Enyo, and Ringo, played by Yohan, Dylan, Chell, Arrington, and Andrew respectively. The group traveled to a small city named Azaak in the Kroan Desert. Azaak is a small city located along the northern coast of the Kroan Desert. More specifically, it is located above the “K” in “Kroan”. The city is a small trade hub, and is known for its high percentage of musicians and music-related activities. While it has some minor fame for this, it is (probably) not the greatest city for music due to Azaak being irrelevant to most outside events. (Basically, it's just a city I made up for the plot. Might be expanded on later, who knows or cares)
The party was hired by Nisha Heev to stop the SEC from defiling a desert tomb. The SEC, or Senturro Excavation Company, is just a generic greedy company. Senturro, the desert sandtail himself, doesn’t really care for his workers, and just wants to make a profit. He has official paperwork to excavate the tomb, but they were obtained through bribes and blackmail.
The party ambushes a group of SEC workers in a bar and takes their ID chips to infiltrate the headquarters. They plan to sneak into Senturro’s office and steal the paperwork. However, they find that Senturro has already left with said papers, and has left behind a powerful mercenary to see if anyone was trying to steal the papers. After a brief scuffle, the party make their escape by jumping off a balcony, and are now being chased throughout the city.
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