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Game Master
Krag Flippers
Samuel Bearington
Ves Postrey (A skilled gambler with an eye for business and people. Though he can fight he'd rather talk is way through a situation to get what he wants.)
Laetita Ad Lojem; Episode 4: Flush out the Phonies (Midnights Rest, Lojem, Jaern)
Plot Synopsis
The party started once again in Rougtero. After a few days of deliberation, downtime, and rest, the party decided to attempt to clear the sun from Midnight’s Rest. Samuel used that time to determine the fate of Darrel, who appears to have a high probability of making it out of the Beneath with both a significant other and a new best friend.
Upon entering the city, the party found that it was absurdly hot, close to 150 degrees Fahrenheit outside. It’s also absurdly bright. Most vampires are being forced to stay in the tunnels below the city. In a 6-way party split, Krag Flippers took the day to have some fun on the beach. Samuel and Nimbus visited the Vormaxians, though they found the priests knew almost nothing about the sun other than how impractical and amazingly unrealistic it is. They then went to the White Pyre to try and spoke to some people there. Nimbus became scared after reading the thoughts of the Midnight’s Rest citizens and left. Samuel was not frightened and learned the tunnels contained some strange black walls incapable of being broken. Meanwhile, Alice learned practically the same thing from the books in her university. Raik and Ves took the time to investigate an old house at the edge of town. The old man who lived there turned out to be a Von Otto. This particular one is a grandson of Wyren’s who became a hirudo around age 50 and was sent 4,424 years into the past, before the destruction of Torandor took place. He’s been living in the area since then, mainly keeping a low profile. He had been protecting an old building erected for Rudri around the time of her fall, meant to serve as a trial for new hirudo.
The party found a way into the buried temple and solved the first puzzle which forced them to destroy a set of books. This is where the session left off.
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