Game Start Date
Game End Date
Game Master
Ves Postrey (A skilled gambler with an eye for business and people. Though he can fight he'd rather talk is way through a situation to get what he wants.)
Krag Flippers
Samuel Bearington
Natalie Schtoska (Gunsmith and Lawyer)
Badigadi (Priest Lizard Six arms, 9ft tall, Demonic Patron)
Laetita Ad Lojem; Episode 3: Blood in the Water (Port Haven, Lojem, Jaern)
Plot Synopsis
We picked back up after the party took a quick rest. Badigadi miraculously appeared out of Jakob’s mouth. After solving a small timed puzzle involving a series of crystals that kept doors open for a specific amount of time, the party entered the boss room. After touching an obelisk emitting a deadly aura, the two bosses, Thanatos and Keres popped out. Badigadi jumped into a hot tub he made and summoned Natalie to do whatever. After much trial and tribulation, the two enemies were defeated thanks to Ves stunning them for half the fight right at the beginning of said fight. Raik did a bunch of damage because vampire. Krag used the powers of Ra and Neptune combined to harm Keres a bunch, and Badigadi used a finger gun. Keres was killed first, meaning most of the people with the plague were healed before they could fully die, though around 10% of the infected people still died. The party sent the initial person who got sick to the Beneath and sent his mother some gold to help her business out. The party returned to Rougtero in order to get their pay and warn Professor Rutherford T Hejhawg about the coming danger. He promised to do research on the matter while Ves went to Rougtero’s library and found a copy of the book contained within his memory.
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