October 29, 2022

Game Master
Justin Piel - Nimbus
Diego Garcia - Krag Flippers
Meghan - Isa Devan
Andrew - Ringo
Leo - Robert
Ethan Colbert - Eleran


Totally won't be a murder mystery

Plot Synopsis

Party was eating dinner when Ferdinand Jose Gloucester was stabbed 22 times, with 21 weapons sticking out of his back. They interrogated/questioned several crewmembers who were present when the lights went out for the attempted murder. Party turned on each other due to my taking each member outside and telling them they were not the traitor. Elerean disguised himself as Larry the Quartermaster to be bait, and sat outside on the deck for a while. Ferdinand got stabbed again, and Walter almost got killed by his own flute impaling him. They finally decided to bring every crew member into the mess hall. They accused

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