Game Master
Justin Piel - Nimbus
Diego Garcia - Krag Flippers
Meghan - Isa Devan
Andrew - Ringo
Leo - Robert
Meet up with the wonderful ASS Guppy crew
Plot Synopsis
The party got on the Ageron Screw Steamer Guppy and were met with the very weird and colorful crew, lead around by Captain One-Eye. Umbra cast the spell while the party messed around for a while after the tour. Ringo got drugged out of his mind after getting surgery done to fix his balls. He ended up in a large bubble for a couple of hours, which Nimbus soared around. Ringo then found the one piece. Soon, they were set upon by the Golden Seraphim, led by El Diablo. Ringo did some shit with Mishra explosives to destroy a bunch of boats while Nimbus messed around with Dimensions spells. Eventually, the party took down El Diablo. Nimbus attempted to put his soul in a jar. He then used Send Object to send it to the room of Virion von Nuvelle. The jar exploded and Virion died. The group now sails forward to the Siren’s lair, following the soul of El Diablo.
Noteworthy Postgame Events