Game Start Date
Game End Date
Game Master
Ovata Dell
The shield over this mysterious city has deployed, and our band of intrepid heroes prepares to venture into the revealed unknown...
Plot Synopsis
The party descends via elevator to explore the city, which they find is named Ewing Wache. Most writing in the city is in Ferric, and there are a variety of golems and constructs which have just reactivated, going about their duties cleaning the city. The architecture, overall, depicts many elements of harmonious life between a mixed human-and-lizard populace. The constructs respond only to commands given in Ferric. Exploring a keep and a temple, the party finds two halves of an odd crystal key, and then are set upon by a guardian construct attempting to take the key out of their hands. Thinking fast, they slot the key into the elevator, and escape to the second level. There, they find a garden of giant mushrooms, temples to Neptune and Isis, and a massive mechanical golem. They enter the huge construct and discover it is meant to be piloted, then restore energy to it and punch through the floor of the second level, falling into a cave. There, they find an ominous ritual circle that Aisling claims is the key to what she must do - guarded by an equally massive serpentine robot.
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