January 21, 2023

Game Start Date
Game End Date
Game Master
Krag Flippers
Ves Postrey (A skilled gambler with an eye for business and people. Though he can fight he'd rather talk is way through a situation to get what he wants.)
Samuel Bearington


Laetita ad Lojem; Episode 2: The Undying Plague (Port Haven, Lojem, Jaern)

Plot Synopsis

The party continued its investigation into the potential patient 0’s for the current disease. After investigating Ms. Soozi Talma for what may have happened, the party went to ask the third potential patient, Darrel L’thorteck. Samuel entered into Darrel’s mind, finding that he raided the strange stone building Ves noticed earlier. After uncovering a symbol of Anubis, he re-locked the door and ran back home, hoping he got away with it. He helped his mother make some bread sold in the market the next day, which is what led to the people getting sick.
Samuel teleported himself into the strange temple and let the rest of the party in. After some further investigation, they found a trap door that seemed to hold a corrupted form of Anubis magic. Opening the door, the party found a zombie in armor that attacked them. Raik completely obliterated the thing, and Elerean investigated the body further. They found the main key to the temple, and also found that the symbol on the zombie’s armor seemed to be a variant of an Anubis symbol. Ves recognized it from a book he’d seen once, and Samuel dipped into his mind to try to glean more information than what Ves could make out. While it was still fuzzy, Samuel learned the name of the being, Thanatos. He also learned of a being named Keres, who had a symbol similar to Isis. Nothing else could be gleaned, as the text was too small and blurry in the memory. Party found a large room, with Ves going to solve a puzzle while the rest of the party fought some ghosts. They each found half of a staff which, when put together, gave the wielder the ability to moderately heal or harm foes by consuming DU. Krag took the staff and used it to heal a bleeding mass of flesh he named Jakob that created a bridge when healed.
On the other side, two priest zombies popped out of their tombs. Ves cast chaos, which gave Jakob sentience and made him into a tentacle-y monster. Alice and Krag destroyed one zombie, while the other was eaten by Jakob. The party hunkered down for a rest in this eerie place, feeling as though the walls themselves were watching them.

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