Game Master
Fwip, Hooded Man, Charlie/Silas, Topaz, Lavare
The rogue dragon: "Hello fellow adventurers. My name is Keket Kessindra, empress of Keer'Levex and high priest of Kelvar. I have a matter that needs to be handled quietly. I have a ship waiting outside Keer'Levex to meet and negotiate if interested"
Plot Synopsis
Party met with Empress Keket and got the jist of what had happened. Vaults had been broken into, and they didnt know how. Not everything was stolen, it seemed specific. They took the empress' ship and rode it to Wyllowood Isle where they visited a city of beautiful elves. They found out that a trickster deity named Loki had been invading from off plane (A result of OWATE campaign in 2021). A green dragon was also local to the area. Some exploration was done, Charlie got exploded by a sealed door on a ship left as a trap. Overall, game wasnt great and fell apart near the end. Minor dragon themed items were given out.
Noteworthy Postgame Events