Game Start Date
Game End Date
Game Master
Charlie Von Otto (Devil Heiress. Daughter of Wyren Von Otto)
Clementine (Cold Blooded Killer Rogue)
Moonlight Sonata; Slow and Sustained (New Alimar, Lojem, Jaern)
Plot Synopsis
The party entered into the newspaper very intensely. Meeting with the boss, Belvedere Winthrop. The group received some information on where to get their next few clues. Charlie and “Cynder” went to search the house while Lionel and Tareen spoke with an Anubian and an Isisite performing an autopsy. They determined that the body was cut in three major places, with the most likely cause of death being a large gash through the back that severed the nerves in the spine. “Cynder” and Charlie found a series of evidence, including a knife, a pocket watch, a gashed coat, and lots of blood all around. Importantly, half a piece of music appeared to be missing. After determining a set of suspects, the party left to interview each. Slovitz and Severa were easily ruled out since neither of them made many waves with Gustave despite their attempts to get to know him. Gretel and Belarus, meanwhile, were much closer and the party questioned them as Belarus dropped Gretel off at home after a night of drinks. The party only checked to see if one of the suspects was lying, that being Belarus. This immediately set them on the trail, with Charlie convincing him to go down to the tavern to show off her amazing ability to never burn. This leaves the party with the task of searching Belarus’ home.
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