November 19, 2022

Game Master
Eric Liu
Tími (Arielle)
Mouse (Gray)
Baldur (Spencer)
Lyudmilla (Uriel)
Nobby (David)
Kiduen (Max)
The Admiral (Kiera)


So Below Primary Arc

Plot Synopsis

Summary covers five sessions: Oct 15 and 22. Nov. 5, 12, and 19. Two (inconsequential for the most part) one shots were run on 10/8 and 10/29. Co-GM Zoe

-Party chased after Kloof (<3)
-Caught up to him, obtained information about the Acolytes of Madness
-Party then went to one of the Boat-inns for adventurers where they gambled for rumors and information
-After two weeks of downtime, the party bears witness to the At’ena temple being attacked in the early hours of the morning. They make haste, though once they arrive they learn that an artifact was stolen.
-They figure out that there are three separate groups running in different directions, and the party splits up to chase them all down
-After some fuckery, they realize that the artifact wasn’t in fact with one of these groups, and instead was with another group of cultists that remained behind at the temple after the attack
-Timi and Kiduen attempt to steal back the artifact, but heavy resistance was met and they decide to retreat empty handed, though they followed them at a distance until the cultists reached the Tomb of the Sovereign and the duo was unable to continue following.
-The party then refuels at one of the nearby temples to regain DP and Units, before sneaking into the Tomb as well.
-They find a shadow. Realize light is important before continuing.
-Continuing down the corridors for another couple hours, they come across a strange room. Statues of the gods stand embedded into the ceiling, black tears dripping from their eyes into a pool of void beneath them. Three statues of the Rudri Servitors stand at the back of the room, surrounding a pedestal with a heretical book laid open upon it. The party begins to investigate, though not before being interrupted by the cultist that stole the At’enian Artifact. The cultist turns out to be a demon that they make quick work of, though not before Baldur gets thrown into the Void-pond and meets a Harull worm.
-The party leaves, though was able to collect the hourglass that the sands used to be contained in, though nearly the entirety of the sands have been moved, leaving three grains left trapped within.
-Another two weeks of downtime passes, the party kills a sea wyrm that was threatening Vasuna and submitted a full report of these happenings to Riana Torzei. They get up to some shenanigans, during this time. They meet Grimothy. Enough said.
-The party, after their heroics with the sea wyrm, are invited to the coronation ball. They arrive, give the gift of a flower crown and Bruce (an animated skeletal hand) to the Princess (much to her delight) and begin to enjoy the ball. A few members begin to notice strange inconsistencies and odd happenings, with one member spotting a recent tattoo on one of the servers arms. They have little time to notify the other members of their party before the lights are cut and chaos ensues.
-Regent Marx Sloan takes the princess hostage, battle* (*see slaughter) ensues until lady Torzei reveals herself to be Daruka. (More chaos ensues as she begins to tear down the fucking celestial lens) Party eventually decides to care about everyone else at the party, realizing that maybe having all political leaders of Ageron dead might lead to some bad thing happening. What can go wrong when you put all the important people in one room- They use the Warp stones that they were given (fucking finally) to save the (dead) princess and (dead) Thom Firehammer along with Regant Cid Balamb (notably not dead) and warp out of there before the entire castle is warped to the 7th Layer of the beneath.
-The party is taken by the knights of Isis to Vasia.
-The princess now has trauma.

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