Game Start Date
Game End Date
Game Master
Krag Flippers
Isa Devan
The party prepares to confront Barbatos, Fallen Servitor of Rudri.
Plot Synopsis
The party regroups at Vasia. The Knights of Isis and Boatmen are there to assist them, and they take a short break to resupply and gamble. A few people head out to the Beneath on a commissioned quest from Mikhail, where they meet up with a Bed, Bath, and Beneath store owner struggling with a giant rat infestation. Putting down the rat, they are rewarded with a holy incense granting them a measure of resistance to lightning. With this resistance, the sailors are emboldened, agreeing to take the party back to Fulgoro through the storm.
They arrive at Fulgoro, where the town is burning down under the force of Barbatos’ lightning. As they dock, the ship is struck and set aflame, and the party quickly disembarks to engage in a battle with her and the Order of the White Night. With quick thinking and a Mishrite bomb, they wipe out the entirety of the cultist forces in one fell swoop. Barbatos enters a rage, teleporting straight up to where the party holds the line and engaging in single combat.
After several strikes of lightning from the resident air mages, she seems to be on her last legs. Kriv leaps from the mast of their sinking ship to plunge a blade into her back, and Isa Devan finishes the job with a swift punch to the face. Barbatos falls unconscious, but whispers a spell before she blacks out and disappears. The storm over Fulgoro disperses, and the party is handsomely rewarded.
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