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Almost directly after the fall of the Veiled Empire, the town of Lumordre was founded. Given there was a power vacuum left after the darkness swallowed the empire, the people who remained left their demon worshiping ways behind in order to return to the being that promised to bring light. With Ra successfully re-establishing the rule of the gods, he set out to ensure the demons wouldn’t be worshiped on such a mass scale again and established the town of Lumordre and had the people construct the Munex Tower.

Or at least, that’s the stories told in Lumordre’s history books, initially written by Father Eshaq, high priest of Ra, who ruled over the city from 9313 to 9389. Given that much of Jaern’s history from that era is lost, the truth of what happened is debated. A few scholars are doubtful of the story, but the Ra’ites in the city seem to hold it as a truth. There will likely never be definitive proof one way or the other, given Ra refuses to speak on the matter.

What is certainly true is that the Munex Tower has been blessed by Ra. The tower is a marvel of construction. It is said that the temple is plated in a magical gold that causes it to constantly glow bright light. People can see the tower’s light from as far away as Rougtero.

Religion and Government

Lumordre is a theocracy, plain and simple. Due to the theocratic nature of the town, the high priest rules almost like a monarch. Their word is final on all accords and very little is up to debate with them. Whenever a high priest steps down or dies, the temple gathers a delegation together to select a new ruler from the priesthood. Occasionally the high priest will give a recommendation for their successor, though this does not have to be followed. At the ceremony raising the selected priest to their new status (essentially a coronation), the people call upon Ra to judge the new ruler for their dedication to his tenants. So far, only one ruler has ever been denied by Ra. Currently, high priestess Soleil Rolexa runs the small town. People may only enter the Munex Tower with her blessing.

While the town worships Ra, they’re quite different from many Ra’ites on the mainland of Lojem and across the rest of Jaern. They are less focused on the Order aspect and more on the light that Ra and the sun bring. Without sunlight, Osiris couldn’t grow crops for plants. Without sunlight, most animals and people would not survive as they need certain vitamins that the sun can stimulate production of, thus Isis needs the sun too. Without the sun, there would be no winds or rains, no water cycle, meaning Neptune’s influence would become stale. Without the sun, the people believe there would be no possibility for life, and as such it is the most important thing. Given that they focus on the worship of the sun rather than on order and rules, many Ra’ites separate Lumordran citizens from the rest of the religion.


The city is an odd contrast, mainly due to its history. Many of the current citizens live in simple homes of wood and stone with thatched roofs. Despite this, many great stone ruins of old buildings dot the landscape, showcasing lavish artistry from a time long passed. The city is far past its prime in these matters. The only buildings many would describe as lavish are the Munex Tower and the local Solarium.

Among these ruins lie the occasional still standing building from the old days of the city. These old homes were banned from being explored by the previous High Priest, though High Priestess Soleil has thought about loosening this rule. These old constructions contain carvings of the exploits of different warriors and priests who spread Ra’s word in one way or another. Occasionally, bits of technology from the Veiled Empire are found among the rubble. Most are too broken and battered to be of any practical or scholarly use.


The city has a very religious air about it. The sun is used in a lot of places throughout people's lives. The people wake up with the sunrise, and sleep when the sunsets. Most people refuse to go outside or open windows after dark, not for fear of robbery or murder, but rather because they do not wish to see the sky without the sun in it. It just so happens that such practices are good deterrents of both crimes.

The city is very outdoorsy in general. Art and music have their place, but many of the people’s favorite pastimes include sunbathing in the fields, camping in the nearby woods, or playing sports. A strange sport known as baseball is a popular option with the local children, whilst many of the adults prefer the calmness of golf. A few kids have tried a new game called Calvinball, though many don’t approve of it for its chaotic take on sports.

As for the arts, open-air theater is quite popular. A few famous stage actors got their start on the Lumordre stage, though it should be emphasized, only a few. Despite this, there are several theaters that regularly fully sell out their tickets. While there are painters and sculptors, few if any of them are known for being very unique or creative in their work. Almost no one in town owns an instrument.

As long as you don’t break the rules, the people of Lumordre are quite friendly and open. Given the people are more about worshiping the sun itself rather than Ra’s order aspects, the town is very welcoming to outsiders and even many undead. Sadly, there are not many accommodations for undead visitors, though they try their best to provide when one comes to town.

Other Details

Minor Locations

The Golden Slumbers - This is a tavern and inn owned by a lizard named Sentik Ruford the Jolly. The tavern does not attract many locals, meaning most of the patrons are outsiders to the town. As such, it is a great place to learn about the rest of Lojem, but not so much a good place to learn about Lumordre. The beds are very soft, and the food is decent. Sadly, the alcohol is very diluted, due to the town’s slight stigma against alcohol. Still, it’s possible to get drunk from it if you drink enough, it will just take longer. On top of this, the staff is generally very friendly, and many leave the combined tavern and inn with a positive experience.

The Munex Tower - The Munex Tower is a massive golden structure almost half a mile high. It is plated on the outside with strange gold that constantly glows due to Ra’s blessing. If the tower’s connection to Ra were ever to be severed, the tower would go dark, being reduced to a pure black, dark metal as cold as ice. It is said to serve as the primary point of connection between Ra and his followers after the fall of the Veiled Empire, though now it is little more than a massive literal lighthouse.

Solarium - The local Solarium is an almost ziggurat style structure, made from gold and silver, another shining beacon of the city’s once prosperous age. Sadly, some of the silver has begun to tarnish with age. This is where High Priestess Soleil Roxela stays most of the time.

The Bright Blaze - This is a blacksmith shop run by Garna the Bold. The weapons sold here are made from a form of steel known as Sunsteel. The main difference is that, even after cooling, the steel remains a bright orangey yellow. In other words, the steel still appears heated from the forge despite being cooled. It has no other special properties outside of this, and is otherwise normal steel. The shop is the darkest part of the city due to all the smoke produced from the flames used to make the weapons and armor.

Important NPCs

High Priestess Soleil Roxela – Soleil is a stout dwarven woman around 60 years of age, which for dwarves is close to middle age. She keeps her brown hair much shorter than most dwarves, almost in a pixie cut. She also keeps herself clean shaven. She is a very austere person, treating her work with complete and utter seriousness. Many find her humorless. She’s very dedicated to the worship of Ra and the management of the priesthood, so much so that she rarely has time to sunbathe anymore. She’s very frequently stressed, though never overwhelmed. At worst she’s just grumpy.

Sentik Ruford the Jolly - Sentik is a desert sandtail lizard originally hailing from the deserts of Ageron. His scales are a darker brown and he has a silver eye. He wears an eyepatch over the other, presumably missing, eyeball. He runs the local tavern and inn, The Golden Slumber. Most of the alcohol is fairly diluted due to certain cultural requirements. Sentik is a joyous fellow who does his best to ensure any visitors to his tavern are as comfortable as possible. He’s not much of a gossip, meaning that he doesn’t know as much about the folks in town as most other tavern keepers.

Garna the Bold - Garna is a half-dwarf half orc. She keeps her bright red hair fairly short, in an almost pixie cut. She does have very slight stubble, though most of it is singed from the extreme heat she works in. Garna is a very loud and rambunctious lady. Many claim they can hear her hearty laugh from across the village. She is the village blacksmith, in charge of The Bright Blaze. Not only is she a master of smithing weapons and armor but she is also a fairly creative inventor. Her main drawback is that she lacks the head for business, and as such most of her inventions simply become minor novelties for her fellow townsfolk rather than spreading outside the city. She’s definitely some sort of homebody, as while she frequently explores the island, she refuses to ever leave it. This is because Garna feels the island that Lumordre rests on is her home.