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Magic. Flowing eternally from Jicania to Trion'kar, magic is the source of innumerable powers. Elemental magic, in particular, is drawn to and collected in the Elemental Planes. Those able to draw, to bend, and to manipulate power from the Elemental Planes have become known as Mages.

Learning magic is no easy feat. Some of the earliest mages would spend decades of their lives studying the powers that be in order to cast even the simplest of spells. Now, however, there exists multiple institutions through which one could study magic, and books teaching the subject have become quite accessible, making self-taught mages very common.

It takes more than just intellect to be a mage, however. One requires a certain inherent capability to learn the highest forms of magic. This has been dubbed a person’s Power or Magical Power. Every being in existence has some inherent Power, but some have more than others. It may take a long time, but one can in theory increase their magical power the same as one can increase their strength or intellect.

The Element Types

There are four types of mages, each linked to the classical alchemical elements, Earth, Fire, Air, and Water. They siphon their magical abilities from their respective elemental planes, Each element dominates one, is dominated by another, and does not interact with the final. Mages of one element may learn spells from the element that their original one dominates. On top of this, each element has differing uses in combat and in the world at large.


Earth mages harness the power of the ground, the soil, the stone beneath them. Like the earth itself their methods are slow but powerful on a grand scale. Earth mages study the bonds that hold the world together. They find strength in what is solid. Many Earth spells focus on using the environment around them to either damage opponents, provide defense for themselves and their allies, or otherwise hinder the enemy’s movements. A few are capable of changing the properties of metallic substances. Some Earth mages have also learned how to raise the dead, gaining the title of Necromancers. This gives them the means to deal with the brash yet poorly defended Fire mages, allowing Earth to dominate Fire. Unfortunately, their defenses can be eroded and hindrances nullified by the power of Water mages, meaning Water dominates Earth.


Fire mages are usually regarded as brash and emotional. Their abilities come from harnessing the quick and nimble nature of fire, from studying the reactions around us that change our world in quick, flashy movements. Fire mages are out to cause change. Many Fire spells are focused on causing damage to opponents or manipulating the light to one’s advantage. Fire mages also may use their passion to tap into the power of Chaos magics, randomly altering certain aspects of the world. Chaos magic, oddly enough, comes not from the Plane of Fire, but from Rudri’s Divine Plane. Finally, Fire Mages also may access blood magic, created by a legendary figure known only as The Hooded Man. The sheer power displayed by Fire mages alongside their unpredictability allows them to dominate the more calculated Air mages. As such, Fire dominates Air. Meanwhile, Fire mages have a hard time dealing with the solid defenses produced by Earth mages. This means Earth dominates Fire.


Air mages are usually seen as the most scholarly of the four scholars. Viewed as logical and bookish, their studies allow them to harness the power of air. Many spend most of their time outdoors, enjoying the atmosphere. Many of them value freedom. While Air spells can cause some damage with harsh winds and especially with lightning, most Air magic focuses more on gathering information and trickery. Their magic can be used to guide ships, spy on enemies from afar, or create great illusions. Some have even learned to harness the power to create portals and visit alternate dimensions. Overall they are characterized by curiosity and exploration. Air mages find their abilities to gather information allows them to commonly outplan opponents, including the seemingly timeless and somewhat formulaic Water mages. Thus, Air dominates Water. Unfortunately, Fire mages are known to be unpredictable and chaotic, messing with the plans of Air mages, meaning Fire dominates Air.


Water mages are known mostly for their compassion and their wisdom. As timeless as the ocean, Water mages study the power that liquids have over the world. Much of their time is spent following whatever path life takes them, just like a water droplet follows the river in a path of least resistance. Water mages can do a little damage in battle, with the crushing weight of crashing waves or the frigidity of ice. But Water is much more versatile, Water mages exercise power over life itself, becoming healers, shaping the genetic or chemical makeup of creatures. They may also utilize the power of wards to keep opponents away or control opponents’ actions with charms. Their ability to shape the world as they see fit, as well as their versatility lets them erode or evade the defenses of Earth mages, meaning Water dominates Earth. Unfortunately, they are frequently outplanned by Air mages, meaning Air dominates Water.


While there are many scholarly mages in the modern world, there are whispers of a select few who have reached even greater power. Once one studies the elements enough and gains a high enough magical prowess, one may begin to reach out and become one with the Elemental Planes themselves. Sorcerers are Mages who have learned how to gain access to the Elemental Planes and have undergone a transformative ritual to gain even more power. Overseen by the Guardian of the respective Elemental Plane, becoming a sorcerer is an arduous task with the potential for death. It ties one's soul to the Elemental Plane itself, becoming one with the element. The mages become locked out from learning Divine magic and find it much harder to learn Psionics and Nomadics. But in return, they gain mastery over raw damage, gain the ability to analyze magic itself, and gain the ability to control or nullify enemy magic.

Very few sorcerers exist on either Jaern or Cahyali, with many of them receiving notoriety and fame among the world at large before ever achieving the status of Sorcerer.

An Aside About Domination

An interesting philosophical discussion can be had about the nature of one element dominating another. Some have proposed that Earth has a natural dominance of Fire, Fire of Air, Air of Water, and Water back to Earth. However, others have begun to posit that perhaps one’s personality does more to assist than given credit. Does the Air mage beat the Water mage because Air is naturally dominant to Water, or do they beat the Water mage because the Water mage is the type to fall for trickery. Does an Earth mage beat a Fire mage because of their abilities or because of their personality? Does an element truly have power over another one, or is this a bias formed from what sorts of person the magic types tend to attract?