=====Gratac===== ====Overview==== Gratac is a place that has seem to appear and disappear throughout time. Small villages and hamlets located near the south-western edge of the Southern Forest of Ageron have traded on and off with Gratac over the ages. One day they were selling various goods, and the next, not able to find it. For whatever reason, Gratac seemed to be of a different plane. Because of this mysterious thing, Gratac became more of a legend passed around. Many thought of it as nothing more than a tale to tell children, or a way to brag to other people. Gratac is now back. Nobody knows why, but Elven scouts and envoys from Gratac have been seen running around Ageron. ====General Government==== Gratac consists of a King, advised by a council of nine community leaders. The council is composed of three elves, three dwarves, and three lizards. Each race is tasked with independently putting together their three choices for the council. Each race, the elves/dwarves/lizards, control a function of the city. Elves are tasked with scouting the nearby forest and plains, while also farming and creating goods. The goods they create consist of cloth, fiber, rope, food, etc. Dwarves are tasked with mining the local mines, controlling and filling the army, and creating goods. The goods they create consist of weapons, armors, tools, stone architecture, etc. Lizards are tasked with scouting the waters, controlling and filling the navy, fishing, making boats. ===Elven Leadership=== The way elves elect their three leaders for the council is simple. One seat is given to the leader of the main elven house, House Rahtalos. The next seat is the given to the winner of the four year farming competition. This competition is held to increase crop yield and find the best farmer. The last seat is awarded to the fastest running in the scouts. In tow, the fastest runner is the leader of the scouting corps. ===Dwarven Leadership=== The way dwarves elect their three leaders for the council is simple. One seat is given to the current commander of the army. This seat is passed down by chain of command. The next seat is given to the best forger in the city. The last seat is given to the strongest warrior in the army. Every four years, a tournament is held for this position. ===Lizard Leadership=== The way lizards elect their three leaders for the council is simple. One seat is given to the current commander of the navy. This seat is passed down by chain of command. The next seat is given to the fisherman who brings in the most fish every four years. The last seat is …?? ==The Kingship== The position of king is passed down from king to king. This can be by heir, election, combat, and any method the current king chooses. ===Population=== Gratac has a current population of 18,000, consisting of only elves, dwarves, and lizards. Though Gratac is self sufficient, their resources don’t go very far beyond that. Gratac has had a constant population for the past hundreds years and has set breeding laws to insure that the population can always be fed. But with the newest king, ==Resource Management== Gratac has found a way to start a small reserve of resources. Though this isn’t enough to feel incredibly confident about, it is enough to feel that the city is heading in the correct direction.