====== Tzeporem ====== The Tzeporem, colloquially referred to as the Native Avians of Cahyali, were once a group migratory races that traveled the lands of Cahyali whether by talon or by wing, however when Esrior’s Fold appeared around the year 6000 SF, the avians were stranded within the bounds of known Cahyali. Over the 5000 years since some have shifted their migratory patterns to their current limitations while some have settled down in cities across the map. This page serves as a collection of information about these groups and their shared culture dating back thousands of years. ===== Tribes ===== After Esrior’s Fold came up it’s believed there were 9 overarching groups of the Tzeporem designated by their migratory/settling patterns. The groups are known as the 9 tribes and most each has a migratory pattern and common cities in which the non-migratory population live. Major cities refer to the cities with the largest Tzeporem population, while minor cities have smaller but non-insignificant Tzeporem populations {{ :lore:races:avians:avian_migration_cahyali.png?nolink&400 |}} ==== Eretz ==== Name Meaning: Land Symbol: Firewalker Major Cities: Paicoire (Vervand), Riversource (Buyuk), Andherbagh (Vahsi), Aksahin (Dahabu) Minor Cities: Whisking-on-Stratton (Shinneok), Kukuramutta Town (Vahsi) ==== Chai ==== Name Meaning: Life Symbol: Phoenix Major Cities: Kekoa Village (Ulos), Moku’pele (Ulos) Minor Cities: Shaati (Arenti), Dadeni (Vervand) ==== Seviv ==== Name Meaning: Round Symbol: Eroka Major Cities: Perichelle Island (Ley’Ork), Los Aliados (Ley’Ork) Minor Cities: None ==== Sheqet ==== Name Meaning: Quiet Symbol: Pitterpa Major Cities: Perichelle Island (Ley’Ork), Los Aliados (Ley’Ork Minor Cities: None ==== Gaava ==== Name Meaning: Pride Symbol: Ashet Major Cities: Los Aliados (Ley’Ork), Shumoko (Raikougan) Minor Cities: Shanzhu (Ruefang) ==== Lehe'alem ==== Name Meaning: Disappear Symbol: Holeh Major Cities: Shumoko (Raikougan), Tototl (Itlan Youali) Minor Cities: None ==== Emet ==== Name Meaning: Truth Symbol: Strumta Major Cities: None Minor Cities: None ==== K'Phor ==== Name Meaning: Cold Symbol: Dahm Major Cities: Arkhivgrad (Pthora), Eastside Port (Pthora) Minor Cities: N/A The K'Phor are the only tribe that does not have any major migratory patterns, though some small groups may still chose to migrate in the Pthoran area. ==== Shehut ==== Name Meaning: Sojourn Symbol: Thunderbird Major Cities: N/A Minor Cities: N/A The Shehut are a bit of a mystery, the smallest of the tribes no one is entirely sure when they show up or by what road they travel. One day they’ll arrive in a town and the next they’ll leave. Predicting where they'll go has proved to be a futile effort. ===== Culture ===== It’s important to note that while each tribe may do things a bit differently, they do all share many commonalities which will be noted here. ==== Religion ==== Traditionally the Tzeporem tribes do not follow the Cahyalic Pantheon, instead they have their own system of religion. Though it is worth noting that there are some Tzeporem who have converted faith, or are largely non practicing. The Tzeporem faith itself revolves around the idea of a deity of change (Zarez) and its two aspects (Hakhel and Sof). Zarez is a being whose sole story is that it created the laws by which the Tzeporem live and that’s it. All other influences have been carried out by its two aspects Hakhel (The Beginning) and Sof (The End). Because of this it’s notable that the Tzeporem don’t worship Zarez, instead seeing it as a constant in the world around them, a being that watches and records but does not act. Strangely enough while Zarez only has one story, Hakhel and Sof have a hand in many, as a guide to the Tzeporem peoples. The actual Tzeporem religious practices involve interpreting and debating the laws Zarez gave the people. There are many interpretations and ideas across the tribes, but the big consistent point is this: “Life is a gift, one which you may use how you wish.” Expanding further, once a Tzeporem passes away they exist in Karisho (The Kurago) a name translating to Silent Planes. There is very little mention of this however because as a whole the Tzeporem faith focuses on life, and the land of the living. For this reason it’s considered a great service to pull a spirit from the Karisho to exist as a guide. No Tzeporem is required to bind with a spirit, though most do and one can always change their mind. Aside from the practical benefits to binding, when a Tzeporem does this, their name is considered complete. This is because after a binding a Tzeporem is referred to as [Name] [Verb] [Name of Guardian Spirit], where the verb is indicative of the relationship between nomad and spirit. For example Atelone Mar Yetzkah, Atelone being the nomad’s name, Yetzkah being the spirit’s name, and Mar meaning “protected by'' due to the unique circumstances under which Atelone got his guardian spirit. Often before the spirit binding ceremony, Tzeporem nomads will take time to commune with the spirits of Karisho, finding the one that is the best fit for them and taking time to understand the nature of this connection. Guardian Spirits not only act as guides and as a source of power for the Tzeporem, but also as companions and sources of wisdom. ==== Calendar ==== The Tzeporem have their own calendar system based on the movements of the sun and 2 of the moons of Cahyali. The number of days in a month vary between 28 and 36 and the pattern is on a 21 year loop. ==== Clothing ==== Although their clothing will vary based on environment certain commonalities have been noted. Most all Tzeporem wrap their talons in cloth and will wear this throughout the day, oftentimes refusing to take it off, except for changing them which is done 2-3 times per day. ===== The Original Birds ===== The existence of the Tzeporem is believed to be connected to 9 major birds of arcane origins, these birds serve as the symbols for each of the 9 tribes and as a group are referred to as the [[lore:creatures:grand_murmuration|Grand Murmuration.]]