Centrali' Times - Gorn 19, 10026


Sepulchre Relents

After days of people throwing curses, insults, bombs and rotting food, the Sepulchre has given in to the demands of the people. Lady Chelsea's body will be released to the people... sort of.

In a statement issued yesterday a priest of Anubis stated that on Gorn 23rd the body will be moved, processional style, from the Sepulchre to her final resting place on the eleventh floor of Is'Damor. The date was chosen by the temple to give the people ample time to prepare a fitting festival of rememberance. I think none will question that she deserves the honor of the eleventh floor.

Many rejoiced upon hearing this news and most forgave the temple for not keeping them better informed. Artisans and Vendors have already begun preparing tributes and memorobilia. Donations are pooring in for the final tribute of who could have been Centralia's greatest Lady, Chelsea of Centralia!

Tax Riots

While the news of Lady Chelsea's celebration is bringing a smile to many people's faces, many merchants weren't so happy earlier in the week. The Assembly's announced tax started to be collected and merchants learned that taxation knows no favorites and cannot be bribed.

After the first wave of collection a good sized band of merchants gathered together and marched on the Assembly. They demanded that they be represented in the Assembly and that they be able to choose their representatives rather than letting an "uppity" priest say who can and can't give orders.

Their demands met with nods and sympathetic ears among a most of the crowd and not a few of the Assembly. After promising the merchants that they would think heavily on this topic the crowd was disbursed and the Assembly reconvened. Several hours later the assembly issued this statement:

We have never considered our positions to be permanent. We hold these positions because this is a time of crisis where bold, strong and decisive leadership is required.

The men and women who came to us earlier today are good people. Many of us have worked side by side with them for most of our lives. What they say makes a lot of sense and we have also been thinking along similar lines. However this is a time of crisis and our roles are vital. Political instabilities and experimentation will have to wait a while longer. We also realize that it cannot wait long or we will be creating an even worse situation.

Here is what will happen. The Assembly will remain as is until after the month of Irkusk. On Jorn the 1st we propose to hold a forum where men can step forward for a position within the council. The number of positions shall remain the same. Anyone present at this forum may elect to vote for a person. Those persons receiving the largest number of votes will make up the next Assembly.

We beseach everyone to consider your decisions carefully and to keep in mind that these men will become your leaders. Don't let this be a popularity contest, but keep the best interests of Centralia in mind. Thank you.

When questioned the Assembly said that current tax practices will stand until some Assembly undoes them.



Clem Potter is YOUR Friend

In a few short months the people of our Island will be given the unprecedented ability to choose their leaders and hence their destiny and the destiny of our whole Island. When that time comes make an informed vote... vote 'YES' for Clem Potter.

I've been a citizen of Centralia all of my life. You all know my work. The best among you understand the insight contained in my work. Stop by my shop to talk. Let me show you that that same gift can be put to work for our City in other ways.