Centrali' Times - Gorn 13, 10026


Saint Prem?

This week could go down in history as "The week of miracles". Almost every citizen has some tale of personal enlightenment or being witness to a miracle. Citizens stand in the street staring into the face of Ra and speaking in what is becoming known as the breath of Ra. Vendors who once marketed in such questionable things as strong drink and exotic drugs have begun to offer holy relics such as cloth from Leader Prem's robe or vials of holy water from the former "House of Pleasures". What mortal man can ignore the significance of images of Leader Prem appearing as ghostly apparitions in the mirrors of this most famous of brothels. The ladies themselves have become disciples of the Holy Prem and now use their skills to bring the enlightenment of Ra to anyone who demonstrates their worth. As if this were not enough, the famous champagne fountain which resided in the central court of the house, stopped giving endless supplies of champagne, but instead produces pure holy water.

Many citizens whisper that the gods have begun to forgive us and that Leader Prem is possibly an earthly reincarnation of Ra himself. While this reporter questions whether this is even possible, he is sure that Leader Prem holds a special place in Ra's eyes.

Sepulchre Seiged

Large masses stormed the Sepulchre earlier this week after the high priest of Anubis announced that Lady Chelsea would be interred within. Lady Chelsea who was killed in a yachting accident two weeks ago has been held within the Sepulchre prior to her proper internment on Is'Damor. The high priest's words were first met with incredulity and then with anger. Spectaters joined quickly.

Tension has been building in our City for several months now it didn't take much to ingite the people to violence. The temple allowed the people to beat themselves against its walls for nearly twenty minutes before a half dozen priests came out and ordered the people to go home and stay there. Suprisingly many did just that. The remaining stragglers didn't stay long without the crowd to back them.

Why the Supulchre has made the decision regarding Lady Chelsea is unknown. The Sepulchre has become closed to visitors and its priests no longer leave its walls. A sign on the door says that the temple is in consultation with the souls of the departed and are seeking wisdom.


The Value of a Corpse - Anon

Whats the deal with the dead these days? The sepulchre won't let go of the Lady Chelsea. Ok, sure, the dead is what the sepulchre is all about right? But doesn't she belong to the people as well. I think we should throw her the biggest wake this island has ever seen to spite the sepulchre as well as to honor the Lady who stuck with us when all the others left.

Hey, and while we're talking about bodies why doesn't the Solarium give that beast they killed to the Tower where it belongs? What secrets are they hiding. Its ours after all!
