Centrali' Times - Pim 25, 10025


Ghost Ship Sails into Harbor

The ship that was sent in seach of the missing Tor'ite fleet returned today... empty. The ship drifted quiently into our harbor but made no attempt to dock. Longshoreman went out to offer assistance in docking and found that the ship had been deserted.

Further investigion found the hold filled with the chum that was the remains of these brave searchers. It is now believed that the first party met with a similar fate. Who or what the cause of these tragedies may be is yet unknown.

A fitting monument is to be resurrected on Is'Damor. During this ceremony, Leader Prem will also conduct a prayer vigil for our fallen heros.

Solarium to Organize Navy

It is unclear at this time if the attacks on the Tor'ite fleet was deliberately targeted or just random violence that could affect any travelers. What is clear at this point is that some force is out there that is capable of performing these heinous acts... and that we must first protect ourselves and our trade routes. Then we must strike down this opposition so that we may again return to higher persuits.

Toward these ends Leader Prem has been in meeting all day with the captains of ships currently in dock discussing where to obtain the necessary ships, weaponry and men to prepare a navy for Centralia... and how such an effort is to be funded.

Until such time as these issues can be settled and we can guarentee the safety of tourist and trademan, Centralia's borders are on a strictly 'move at your own risk' state. This will have significant impact on our trade and economy.



Retainers Sought For Voyage

I wish to spend the new years at Northpoint. I will need three retainers to assist me on this voyage. Contact my staff at my home. My transport will leave two days before years end and we will return the following week.

						Lady Chelsea of Centralia