Centrali' Times - Abern, Obern 1, 10025


Little Karfelon Destroyed

People woke up this morning, just like any other. Today, however, brought with it a startling new event in the bad luck series that our Island has been experiencing. People on their morning trip from Pregada to Centralia proper were met half way with a scene of utter destruction. Little Karfelon appears to have been destroyed in the night. Guard forces, as well as priests from the temples of isis and anubis, arrived on the scene within minutes... in time only to give last rights to the fallen citizens of this devestated village.

Little Karfelon was founded by refugees from the sunken city of Karfelon. These refugees came to our Island hoping for a second chance. Instead their new city has met a fate similar to their original home, but this time, no one is left alive to try again. We interviewed a few other Karfelon natives living in Pregada and Centralia. They expressed sorrow and outrage, a few vowing to "get" whoever did this regardless of the cost.

We have learned that a good number of residents here have been out of town for several days visiting relatives and business holdings. Others may have left to follow their adventuring urges. One thing is certain, the temple of Anubis feels that the body count was suprisingly low... they expect more bodies will be unearthed as rubble is removed.

Lord Wills, who originally granted charter for the village of New Karfelon, has been out of contact for sometime.

Erection Disappears

Today, as thounds gathered to hear the reassureing and uplifting speach of Leader Pren, the Erection of Scrogg seemed to melt and, eventually, just disappear. Panic ensued as frightened spectators ran from the divine wrath that has so recently visited our land. Scattered priests from the temples of Ra and Orus, who were fortunately present to listen to Leader Pren, risked injury to themselves to bring the situation quickly back under control.

A few scattered priests of Scrogg have been given shelter within the Solarium. The remaining prists of Scrogg seem to have vanished with their temple. Our prayers are with their friends and families in hoping for their safe return. There is, as yet, little evidence of what occurred here and many fear the worst. Karm Jelson, a close spectatre and accolyte of Anubis, summed up most people's belief: "They're dead.".

Are the Gods Angry?

There has been a lot of talk in recent times about our people's relationship with the divine. A growing number of people believe that even the priesthoods were but servern't to the Lords, that worhippers came to temples seeking to gain rather than to give. A lot of people wonder what the gods thought of our

Leader Prem believes that they are and that we need to regain their favor if we are to survive. Many people share his beliefs. There are a lot of reasons to. Throughout our recorded history the Lords have always watched over the people and made us prosper. Where have the Lords gone? Our people awake in the morning to find our villages destroyed, our temples disapearing. Many prominent citizens have also disapeared. Surely this has meaning.

No one can know why the gods move or why they now ignore our pleas. We can only persevere and hope for redemption. Then, when we have found favor once again, perhaps the gods will see fit to allow us, once again, our worldly pleasures.

A special, devotional assembly will be held outside the temple of Orus. All who wish to regain divine favor should show up on Bour at around seven. Bring with you all that you believe may by holding us back.

Enclave Begins Patrol

Several detachments from the Enclave, including the Border Patrol and Sirma, left quitely Frand morning to do a security audit of our borders. In these times we must guard what remains to us more vigilintly than ever. Good luck to the them.


Stepping into the Light - by Gavlin Pren, Priest of Ra
Greetings to you, my friends and neighbors. We live in terrible times. When I was a child the light of Ra shown strongly on our city and Centralia prospered. Now the decadence of our City has dimmed his light and our lives are filled with tragedy instead of divine bliss.

I will be short here. Many of you have heard me speak, many more will. You can see the signs around you. A time will come when you know what must be done. When that time comes I beg with you... do not hesitate.


Spat's Lives!

Our old location went !SPAT!. But Spat's has opened again on fleming street in Pregada... all new liquor, all new management. When the world has gone bats, come have a barrel at Spat's!