
Prall is the worker city on the island of Centralia. Prall is in direct contrast to Centralia Prime. It is dirty and dangerous. The 'See a Crime, Punish It' motto of Centralia is perverted here to 'You Make Your Own Law'. The only constant law here is that if you have to either work for a boss, steal it from your fellows or do menial labor in Centralia Prime (washing up first so as not to offend their delicate sensibilities).

The largest industry in Prall is the gigantic iron mill on its east side. The miss is constantly spewing forth fire and "stuff". It makes the whole city have a greyish-green haze, and sediment collects on everything that stands still for more than a minute. Since the death of the god Taurus the mill is often visited by shady people from all over the world.

The fires from the mill, and other industries, cause Prall to appear, from a distance and not infrequently from nearby, to be burning. In Prall these fires provide enough light that the roving gangs don't need to supply their own.

Various physical areas and/or industries are presided over by a boss. A boss is like a union head or minor mobster. They are always accompanies by some muscle (thugs) and people are bred to jump at their command. Prall does not have crime families as events are always too volatile to allow for dynastic behavior. Bosses choose their successor but that person has to prove themselves worthy of taking the title or another will take it from them. These scrambles from the top generally come down to a single act of violence: fast, first and final.

The Alleys

The Alleys is the worst neighborhood in Prall and hence in Centralia and likely all of the Rhine. In the Alleys touching your weapon is considered an invitation to duel. A code of honor exists among duelers... oddly enough it is a concept of fair play. If your opponent draws a huge sword he is either a poor swordsman or inviting you to match the capacity of his weapon. If you draw a huge sword and your opponent draws a small, blunt, kitchen knife he obviously considers his skill with that weapon to be a match for your skill with yours. Sometimes people mis-gage one another and a dualist may disengage to change weapons or just run away. Invariably such a person is laughed at.. if they don't get killed in the first few mismatched seconds of the dual.

A duel generally draws a huge crows that makes bets and waits for some sign of unfairness. At the first sign of unfairness the crowd will move in to make the fight fair again. On occasion the result is a feww for all frenzy of bloodletting.

Avenging Angels

Avenging Angels are the Prall equivelant of our modern Guardian Angels. They are not priests of Tor, merely believers in Justice. They are an organized group. Most work alone, but some in pairs or trios. Those working in small groups tend to use the "raptor technique" for controlling violence. One member approaches the trouble and gets its attention, while the others sneak in fromt he back and/or sides to blindside the rabble with quick and decisive action.
The Angels train hard and guard their image almost as zealously as thier city. Anyone caught wearing their mark who isn't a member is encouraged (painfully and permanently) not to repeat their mistake.

Places of Note