April 13, 2024

Game Start Date
Game End Date
Game Master
Vladisk Leichtenberg (A morally questionable woman built like an angry truck)
J. Quin Oppenheimer


Arachnids Anonymous 10 (Sea of Fog, Ruefang/Raikougan Archielago)

Plot Synopsis

After traveling to find the party, Joran gets sent down to the cultist base via diving bell, which tips partway down. Outside the research room, Ace astral projects to scout it out, noting the researchers working on a pair of giant mechanical wings (using a raven verraerian with scars on his wings, Shi Tian, as reference) as well as trying to repair the destroyed mechanical serpent. The party then storms the room, restraining the occupants with rope. After the takeover calms down, a stone flashes, and the Yoyida (head of the serpent sect) learns of the takeover as Ace stalls in conversation long enough for most of the rest of the party to reach the surface (including Bai Guo and Tian, Flardryn, Hex, Blue, and Joran). Ace agrees to a deal that the cultists would leave the ship (and not alter the ship) in exchange for the party leaving the base and the cultists (minus Tian, who isn't a cultist) behind. Oppenheimer, who was on the ship, is captured along with Puzzle Man, Arc, and the rest of the crew. The surface group also notice a larger winged mechanical serpent with wings below the ship and do very little damage to it, leading to the cultists to start transferring the crew into the newly appeared giant tortoise fortress. Oppenheimer makes his escape, but the party could not stop the cultists from capturing everyone else. Needing a break, those on the ship make sandwiches.
Back in the cultist base, one of the researchers lets the preparing party that it is unlikely that the Yoyida is unlikely to make a return, and will offer some information if they are untied. The party refuses, and instead starts to transfer them to the surface to return to the ship. The cultists attempt to escape, and fail as they are all returned to the ship. Wanting the crew returned, the party manages to make yet another deal with the Yoyida, resulting in all hostages being returned, with the party keeping Puzzle Man and Tian, and the two groups would enter a truce for one week. The party then starts heading back to Beihui Village to resupply and prepare to fight the cultists.

Noteworthy Postgame Events