April 14, 2024

Game Start Date
Game End Date
Game Master
Gilly Hammack
Klee (Who gave a half elf child so many explosives?)


Club Penguin Game 7: Vs Klutsy

Plot Synopsis

Saw Klutsy take the mod power from Herbert and begin hacking in an attempt to do something that never happened bc they won too fast. Klee left as soon as see group and found Roche, walked back to main battle area for 3 turns. They bombed Klutsy, z'rissi came out after defeating the other half of the prisoners who escaped and exhausted, couldn't help fight for them but helped by throwing potions at the group when they were low on health, then Klee showed up and roche and him nuked the krab, ending the battle and saving club penguin once and for all.

Noteworthy Postgame Events