March 23, 2024

Game Start Date
Game End Date
Game Master
Vladisk Leichtenberg (A morally questionable woman built like an angry truck)


Arachnids Anonymous 7 (Sea of Fog, Ruefang/Raikougan Archielago)

Plot Synopsis

Preparing to go to sea to fight the rest of the spider cult, they party decides to go shopping in preparation. Notable purchases include health potions, alchemist's fire, rope, duct tape, 10ft wooden ladder, sunglasses, vacation shirts, sea sandals, 22 straws, a razor, Melon Yellow hair dye, several pounds of sand, and several tons of alcohol. They then proceed to spend the next two weeks enjoying life on the ship. Flardryn (poorly) makes a bone knife for Bai Guo and gets her hair (also poorly) cut by Beretta, who does a better job dying it. Beretta also gives Hex highlights. Hex spends his time sailing the ship, checking on his crew, and sending his dolphins to give people rides. Vladisk spends most of her time eating, and Ace makes a sandcastle, buries himself and eats sand, tries to make a straw contraption to drink straight from the saltwater, and befriends a dead ghost pirate lookout named Hawk, who now haunts the ship. Blue focuses on learning languages.
While enjoying yet another peaceful day, a mechanical sea serpent hits the side of the ship, causing Hex, Vladisk, and several members of the crew to go overboard. The party leaps into action, with Hex trying to stay caught up with the ship and sending the dolphins to save the heavy-armored Vladisk. Ace starts to lower the anchor before Arc, who is in charge of the ship when Hex is absent, starts to send out orders. Flardryn and her bird prepare a rope to start pulling Vladisk back on board. Beretta shoots at it, and Ace's spirit helps to fly sailors back to the ship while Blue makes the ship harder to hit. Hex almost gets eaten, but hangs on to the serpent. Bai Guo raises water levels to get any stragglers and to prevent himself, Flardryn, and Blue from flying off once again, tying themselves to the ship to stay put while Bai Guo contiues to help sailors. Flardryn plays music to buff her allies, and with a bit of planning, Hex gets out of the way as Ace and Blue get a knife-turned-bomb on the serpent to explode as the crew launches from the onager, dealing hefty damage as Beretta jumps off, lands on the serpent, and stabs it with a knife while Vladisk gets another shot in. Once the serpent starts to swim away, Beretta is torn from it as the currents pick up; she has entered a whirlpool, and is dizzy below the surface as she loses sight of the serpent.

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