March 04, 2024

Game Master


Fall of Olympus 4A-6A (Earth. Greece)

Plot Synopsis

Write up covers major events from group A of Fall of Olympus. games 4A-6A being from March 4 to March 18th

The party met with the fabled witch Circi who aided them in helping to apprehend some of the cultist that have infiltrated the island of Cyprus. afterwards the party talked with Circi for a while and explored the island a little bit more before finally sneaking their way into the palace. they managed to sneak into the palace by going under a secret labyrinth and had to fight a couple of monsters to get in. after that party entered into the palace and met with the princess. they descended into the basement of the palace and there they saw the cultist about to kill the king and use him as a sacrifice to Verathragna. the party defeated his ram avatar and they won the battle.

Noteworthy Postgame Events