February 11, 2024

Game Master


Fall of Olympus parts 1-3 (Earth, Greece)

Plot Synopsis

Quick Summary of current events for both groups from parts 1-3

the groups split with Milo, Sen, Thetis, And Ciara heading east to Cyprus while Quinn, Noh, Zr'issi, and Rex heading Northwest to Sparta. both groups in the first session encountered two titans that were commanded creatures that normally Poseidon would have dominion over. the first group was nearly wiped out by the titan while the second group was able to beat them. however both of there ships suffered some damages and pulled into there respective locations for repair.

the first group made it to Cyprus and after some digging around and messing with the temples. they soon learned of a witch that could aid them in there search for the ore needed to rebuild the blade of olympus. Milo went and got a bunch of flowers and the party learned that the witch in question was the infamous Circe. however thanks to Milo being a charmer and agreeing to go on a date with her. they were able to convince her to help and they succeeded in helping to rescue one of the townsfolk from a cult that has been plaguing the island. the cult in question worshipping the Persian war god Verathragna.

the second party made their way to Sparta and from there needed to learn where to find the flame of Olympus. lucky for them they had heard rumors that the hero Herekles was visiting the city and after convincing the guards to let them into the temple of Ares that was holding a ceremony to find a new war god. the party was able to meet Herekles and from him they were able to learn that the cult has been spreading throughout the entirety of the greek world. the cult in question is trying to help Verathragna overthrow the Greek gods and wrest control of their domains. the party then set out into the wilderness to find an alter and a pool of amber liquid that was gushing out of a titan's liver that Quinn had shot out of it's body previously. there they encountered a group of minotaurs that had risen from the liquid and soon the party found the young god Zagreus to be joining their party.

EXP total as of sessions 1-3: 8,100
Gold being tracked separately.

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