January 19, 2024

Game Start Date
Game End Date
Game Master
Brady Black
See writeup


"Party didn't kill or get murdered by the rabbit, but managed to create a massive ice fissure that they fell/jumped into. Party is sliding down the ice tunnel at a alarming speed, excited, scared, and a little hungry" Icador

Plot Synopsis

Party falls into a underground cave system, and finds a strange house buried in the ice. They find that the house seems to have been untouched but magically preserved for thousands of years likely. There was a secret door under a rug that lead to a bunker of some sort and had a frozen person within the room. Party awakens the frozen person then follows up finding that this area has a radio station of some sort. Before heading out and following the ice tunnel until they hit a cliff dead end seeing a huge city below them, and a huge temp difference.

Anthony- Varin
Julio- Diogo
Noah- Tyr
Eric- Tux
David- Volke
Yohan- Nxixya
Ian- Rodrick

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