January 20, 2024

Game Start Date
Game End Date
Game Master
Bennett Clark
Raiden Naoki
Kentarou Ryou
Rilo Kasai


Into Vengeful Storms Session 2 (Raikougan, Cahyali)

Plot Synopsis

The session picks up with the aftermath of the last session, Kentaro had made contact with a spirit that was the manifestation of all of the souls that Ryosuke had wronged across his entire existence. They leave for the ship where Raiden has a dream where he takes the form of an ancient ancestor of his. The dream ends with a vision of the Fist of God. The next morning Kaito explains to him that as a descendant of the Raikougan, he will experience dreams of ancestors that had lived during the coming of the Storm.

The party then comes across a Raikougan Blockade, which allows them passage only for them to be attacked by a spearhead of Blood Hawk pirates. The battle ensues for them to learn that they are possessed by Ryosuke storm powers. They defeat these undead pirates and continue on their journey. Ryosuke then appears on the ship and attacks the party. During this fight, he explains his true motivation of how he seeks to bring people to become ‘honest’, meaning that they give in to their supposed darkest urges. The fight ends with the party all severely injured except for Volke and Sochi.

Noteworthy Postgame Events