May 04, 2017

Game Master
Brady Black
Daedalus Icar (A scholar in magics who is guided by a mysterious event from his past.)
Destiny ()
Anonymous (An infamous assassin, known for being a sadistic and completely indiscriminate killer... currently missing, presumed dead.)
Raziel Blood Dirk (Once you die be mine)
Perugius Dola


Adventurers needed to aquire a holy artifact

Plot Synopsis

Adventurers were given a vague "get this for me" goal and let roam free, No strings. Party decided to sneak into the Holy Milis Capital and steal not only the required artifact but ALSO every other artifact that was in the area, the adventurers were not caught due to swift actions and managed to get them all out without being seen, but happenings are in the works and it is now public knowledge that they are missing, Priest will focus certain items over others by far. exp 2500

Noteworthy Postgame Events