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When psions were fairly new to Jaern, a few gifted individuals picked them up and began finding others that had the gift in order to teach them. Eventually this become basically a psion school and grew in sized in the capital city, Vesuna. Then, a plague hit the city which had a symptom of making the infected person lose their mind while infected, some infected people ended up killing their own family members or themselves, even though the infection wasn't fatal and went away on its own in a few weeks. People looked for someone to blame and since the infection effected the mind, that towns people pointed their fingers at the psions. As the plague began impacting the city and the psions seemed to be immune to the plague, the number of town people against them grew and grew. The town officials didn't do anything to alleviate the problem and the impeding violence forced the psions out of Vesuna. They went southwest and settled in Usumi. They spent effort to fortify the city fearful of a violence against them.

settings/ageron/uzumi.1457980114.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/06/01 16:31 (external edit)