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Dice Rollers

Disclaimer: This is a bit and is not official club lore

The Dice Rollers are believed by some to be the gods of gods, transcribers of the universe, and creators of all. They sit at a table and control the world by their mere words and dice as if the universe itself is some kind of game. Most people who interact with someone who believes in the existence of the Dice Rollers believe them to be absurd, but in spite of it they still spread their message of control and chance with the world.

There are two kinds of people who are aware of the Dice Rollers, The Awakened Ones and The Controllers.

The Awakened Ones

The Awakened Ones are the “normal” ones. These are simply the people who have discovered the existence of the Dice Rollers and live on with that knowledge, trying their best to draw others into their fold. They try to live their lives with the knowledge that they are pawns in the Dice Rollers' game, though also try to bring others into their fold and awaken them to the truth of their situation.

The Controllers

The Controllers are those that have found the horror in their situation and actively try to do things outside of the scope of the Dice Rollers to break free from their control. They often act erratically, trying desperately to do anything that was not at the whim of some cosmic being beyond their comprehension, though they cannot do so as all events in their world are controlled by the Dice Rollers.

gods/dicerollers.1708894802.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/02/25 21:00 by