====== Fairon ====== This material has been found in a hellish prison dimension. If an spirit, ghost, plane shifted, ethereal or other intangible creature comes in contact with it they will take damage. They cannot pass through it either and therefore is a perfect material for their containment. If someone were to teleport into it they will take damage as they are shunted out to a "safe" place. The material cannot pass through an Otherworld or any other magical portals and also cannot be teleported. The demons who have been mining for it have been trying to find ways to transport it from the only plane it has been found on but have not been able to achieve this feat. Once this has been achieved it will become a very valuable resource. As it is like normal iron it can be forged into weapons and used to strike beings who are not material. 1d6 points of damage will be applied to any creature in contact with it during a round. This is a hard limit and the number of strikes from a weapon made from it does not matter nor the amount of exposure. If an non-material creature was trapped in a box made of the material and were to lean on a wall it would be 1d6 damage every round until they stop. The 1d6 applies to any creature with a life force regardless of state of "solidity". Therefor it would be a painful death if someone who could not levitate was thrown into a box made of it. To prevent this the demons usually line the floor of the box with some common material to allow a safe place to spend time.